The best security is when you can stay in your home during a time of crisis - not evacuate to the shelter or the Marriott leaving your house to the mercy of looters or vandals. Security is peace-of-mind knowing your house will remain intact as shelter - during a violent weather event.
To EdenSAFE security also means you house will keep you and your family warm if there is no power, fuel, or gas for generators, as in the recent New Jersey and New York Hurricane Sandy Superstorm event. We do this by design, not through mechanical or electrical systems, using the Thermal Inertia of the structure, and its contact with the warm earth.
By security we don’t mean door locks and an alarm system. We mean the ability of your house to protect you and your family’s life and possessions in the event of a storm, power outage, or public heath emergency.
Vacated Staten Island Homes looted and vandalized
No power in the Jersey Shore Ten Weeks after the storm
Debris from Hattiesburg Tornado pounds high-rise University Buildings
No power in the Jersey Shore Ten Weeks after the storm
Debris from Hattiesburg Tornado pounds high-rise University Buildings
You may not be as comfortable as you were with electricity, but your house will not become un-livable, as were most of the houses on the Jersey Shore in January.
Some of our homes make their own electricity, in which case, life continues as before.
Some of our homes make their own electricity, in which case, life continues as before.
Our designers specialize in redundancy - a term familiar from space flight. It means having two or more critical systems, in case one fails. For instance, two water heaters, which act together as one in normal times, but can act alone if one breaks down. We are specialists in food storage - our larger than average first-in/ first-out pantries have been reproduced thousands of times across America.
The average stick frame house wall can be breeched with a baseball bat. Try that to the EdenSAFE six-inch thick solid Gluelam wall. In a storm, often the worst damage to conventional homes is the impact damage: debris thrown against the walls by high winds, having a grinding effect on the siding, then exposing the hollow fluff-filled walls.
To ballistic test a conventional siding/particle-board/ sheetrock wall would be a joke. Our Gluelam walls have held up to small arms fire, and some rifle rounds at 10 yards.
The best security is that your shelter remains as SHELTER, the real meaning of the old saying “Your home is your Castle.”