Ph: 330-351-3584 for EdenSAFE Homes, LLC

This is the best house in the world


Most Americans spend more time inside their home, than anywhere else. When there is a crisis or epidemic, homeland security has made it clear- Americans will be confined to their homes as the first line of defense. And there may not be power. Aren’t you better off if your home is naturally heated and cooled?
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Most conventional homes are tight and heated by a furnace (or heat pump) blowing air (right). Nothing could be worse for spreading germs and disease, than perhaps inside an airplane.
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Every workplace in America has this sign- shouldn’t this be the first rule for your new home............
Did you know the air quality inside a modern tightly-built home is often worse than the air quality outside. With stick framing the only way to keep the heated air in is to make the house tight... forgetting the fact that you and your family have to breathe.
Chinese Drywall

Sick Building Syndrome

Fumes from particleboard sicken occupants
But with EdenSAFE homes......Wouldn't you rather have wooden walls that breathe, and filter, and disinfect (Pine is a disinfectant, remember Pine-Sol) the outside air - and get your comfort radiantly from warm walls and floors, than through a dust and microbe filled furnace duct?
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You breathe the air inside your home- current energy codes and house-wrap vendors seem to have forgotten that. When you breathe cooler air, up to ten degrees cooler in a Radiantly-heated house than a furnace-heated house, you feel better. Invigorated, not groggy or sleepy. The air is still, meaning less dust and microbes transmitted by the air.
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