Why EdenSAFE?
Because strength and safety are often forgotten in the home buying and building process - a tragic mistake as recently shown by Hurricane Sandy. This Category 1 hurricane destroyed 150,000 homes in New York and New Jersey, and it was a Category 1 - the weakest of hurricanes.
Because strength and safety are often forgotten in the home buying and building process - a tragic mistake as recently shown by Hurricane Sandy. This Category 1 hurricane destroyed 150,000 homes in New York and New Jersey, and it was a Category 1 - the weakest of hurricanes.
Luxury homebuyers put a lot of money into features and appearances. But of what use are your home theater or granite countertops if your house is lost to a storm? Wouldn’t it make more sense to put some of that money, first, into beefing up the structure?
As a green homebuyers, you search out renewable and natural building materials so your house is gentle on the environment. You have spent your whole life recycling and doing the right thing. Then comes a storm and your whole house ends up in the landfill.
Conventional houses today are still built like they were fifty years ago - out of 2x4’s and nails. The large and more expensive ones have the same flimsy framework, just covered in layers of higher grade finish.
That’s what insurance is for, you say. Does insurance make up for the nights you spent in the public shelter, the weeks filling out paperwork, the years you wait for contractors to become freed up for your single-out-of-a-thousand rebuilding projects? Even if your home survives, how about 10 weeks without power or heat on the Jersey shore in below freezing weather?
Shouldn't your house be something you run to - not run from - in a time of crisis?
These questions are the driving force behind EdenSAFE Homes, plus the determination that safe homes do not have to look like a bunker. In fact, they can look like, if not better, than the other homes on the block.
Most American homes are made of wood. Great! Wood is renewable, abundant, and low in cost. But the prevalent technique, called stick framing (the 2x4’s are the sticks) is weak, easily-breeched, and a fire-trap. The EdenSAFE building technique (right) uses those same 2x4’s or 2x6’s laminated into Gluelams, the strongest assembly of wood known to man.
Most American homes are made of wood. Great! Wood is renewable, abundant, and low in cost. But the prevalent technique, called stick framing (the 2x4’s are the sticks) is weak, easily-breeched, and a fire-trap. The EdenSAFE building technique (right) uses those same 2x4’s or 2x6’s laminated into Gluelams, the strongest assembly of wood known to man.
The conventional stick-frame wall is 2x sticks and cavities, covered with siding and sheetrock. It is easy to punch through it. EdenSAFE Homes use solid Gluelam walls which are impact and bullet resistant.
The conventional stick-frame wall is 2x sticks and cavities, covered with siding and sheetrock. It is easy to punch through it. EdenSAFE Homes use solid Gluelam walls which are impact and bullet resistant.
EdenSAFE/Enertia Home Interiors
EdenSafe Homes is an authorized distributor for Enertia Building Systems, Inc.
Conventional houses are heated by furnace - heating the air inside and holding it in. This requires a tight wall, so tight in modern homes that they are plagued with indoor air-pollution, or “sick-building syndrome” EdenSAFE Homes heat the structure, not the volume, so they do not have to be super tight, and can breathe. Remember, you the occupant, have to breathe also! This is called Radiant Heating, and leaves you comfortable at 10-15 degrees lower than forced air. Leaving the door open a while is no problem - the structure, the walls, floor, and ceiling, are warm - not the escaping air.
Conventional houses are heated by furnace - heating the air inside and holding it in. This requires a tight wall, so tight in modern homes that they are plagued with indoor air-pollution, or “sick-building syndrome” EdenSAFE Homes heat the structure, not the volume, so they do not have to be super tight, and can breathe. Remember, you the occupant, have to breathe also! This is called Radiant Heating, and leaves you comfortable at 10-15 degrees lower than forced air. Leaving the door open a while is no problem - the structure, the walls, floor, and ceiling, are warm - not the escaping air.
EdenSAFE has sought out the newest, strongest, most-modern and healthy building techniques. This is unusual in an industry stuck in the last century. Explore our site to see incredibly beautiful luxury homes with a secret. They are not going to let you down in a time of crisis or emergency.